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CBSE 12th Sample Paper: Prepare for Economics with CBSE sample paper, such questions will be asked..

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The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the 10th and 12th board examinations from February 15. Preparations for this are going on in full swing. The 10th examination will start from February 15 and end on March 18, while the 12th examination will start from February 15 and end on April 4, 2025. CBSE has also released sample papers of all subjects so that students can prepare well. Let us know what kind of questions have been asked in the sample paper on Economics released by CBSE and what is the pattern of the paper.

According to the datesheet released by CBSE for the 12th board exam, the Economics exam will be held on March 19. This 3-hour exam will be for a total of 80 marks. The Economics paper is divided into two sections, Macro Economics and Indian Economic Development.

CBSE Board 12th Exam 2025: What type of questions will be asked?

In this exam, 20 objective questions of 1 mark each will be asked.

This paper will also have 4 short answer type questions of 3 marks each, whose answer has to be given in 60 to 80 words.

This paper will have 6 short answer questions of 4 marks each, whose answer has to be given in 80 to 100 words.

This paper will have 4 long answer questions of 6 marks each, whose answer has to be given in 100 to 150 words.

CBSE 12th Sample Paper: How to download the sample paper

First of all, go to the official website of CBSE

Then click on the link of the 12th sample paper for 2024-25 on the homepage.

After that, a new window will open, where subject-wise sample papers will be given.

Now click on the sample paper link of Economics and download it.

CBSE 12th Sample Paper Questions: Try to solve these important questions

Critically evaluate the disinvestment policy introduced by the government during the 1991 reforms.

Under the Delhi Declaration, the G-20 countries pledged to reach global net zero emissions by mid-century and triple the global renewable energy capacity by 2030. Briefly discuss the rationale behind the commitment of the G-20 countries towards achieving sustainable development.

To measure the extent of development in an economy, freedom indicators should be considered along with other socio-economic parameters. Do you agree with the given statement? Give valid reasons in support of your answer.

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