Bihar Board Result 2024: Bihar Board 10th, 12th compartmental exam result released, check from direct link..

Bihar Board Compartmental Exam Result: The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has declared the result of compartmental examinations of matriculation and intermediate. 57.88 percent of children have passed the compartmental examination of Intermediate and 63.72 percent in matriculation. Along with this, the results of special examinations have also been released.
A total of 37090 students appeared in the compartmental examination of Bihar Board Intermediate 2024. Out of which 19776 were boys and 17314 were girls. Out of this, a total of 21467 children have passed. Of which 11165 are boys and 10302 are girls. The examination was conducted between 29 April to 11 May at 97 examination centers in the state.
Girls outshine in 10th compartmental examinations
Similarly, a total of 42247 students appeared in the compartmental examination of matriculation. In which 18045 and 24202 were girls. A total of 14987 students including 7049 boys and 7938 girls passed in this. That means only 35.47% of the students passed.
Result of Intermediate Special Examination
The result of the Intermediate Special Examination has been 59.68%. A total of 11051 students including 6283 boys and 4768 girls appeared in the examination. Out of which a total of 6595 students including 3565 boys and 3030 girls passed.
Result of Matric Special Examination
A total of 11256 students including 5915 boys and 5341 girls appeared in the Matric Special Examination. Out of which 7172 children including 3951 boys and 3221 girls passed. The result of the special examination has been 63.72%.
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