Bihar Board 12th Exam 2025: How was the Bihar Board Inter exam on the first day? This is why the girls cried..

The Bihar Board Inter exam has started from 1st February i.e. today. The exam was held in two shifts, the first shift was from 9.30 am to 12:45 pm and the second shift was from 2 pm to 5:15 pm. On the first day, students of the science stream gave the biology paper, while students of the arts stream gave the philosophy paper in the morning shift. At the same time, students gave the economics paper in the afternoon shift. The commerce stream exam started with the economics paper. However, during this time there was an atmosphere of chaos at many examination centers.
Girls were seen crying at the center.
The first day was very bad for some students because due to being late, they did not get entry inside the examination center. Students were allowed to enter the examination center 30 minutes before the start of the exam, but some students reached the center late. In such a situation, they were stopped at the gate itself. During this time, students and their family members created a lot of ruckus at the centers and some students also pleaded for entry, but they were not allowed entry. In such a situation, they missed their exam. Saddened by this, some students were also seen crying outside the centers.
BSEB had already warned
Bihar School Examination Board i.e. BSEB had asked the candidates to reach the examination center one hour before the start of the examination to avoid crowd and also warned that once the gate of the examination center is closed, no candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall, but despite this, the candidates reached late. Some reached the center with a delay of 10 minutes, while some were late by 20 minutes and missed the exam.
15 minutes of extra time was given
In this exam, students were also given 15 minutes extra time, so that they can understand the question paper, answer sheet and OMR sheet well during this time. This extra 15 minutes of time was given to the students so that they could read the questions first and solve them thoughtfully, so that they can score maximum marks.
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