Bihar Board 12th Exam 2025: Even if the admit card is lost, you will be able to give the exam, know these rules related to Bihar Board exam..

Bihar Board 12th examinations are starting from 1 February 2025 and will end on 15 February. For this, a total of 1677 examination centers have been set up across the state, in which 12,92,313 candidates will appear. According to the Bihar School Examination Board i.e. BSEB, 6,41,847 girls and 6,50,466 boys had registered for the intermediate examination. Let us know about some important rules related to the examination, which are very important for the candidates to know.
What will happen if the admit card is lost?
According to BSEB, if the admit card of any candidate is lost or accidentally left at home, then there is no need to panic. Even in such a situation, the candidates will be able to appear in the examination. For this, they can be allowed to appear in the examination by verifying their photo and roll number in the attendance sheet. If a candidate does not have a photo on his admit card, then he will have to reach the examination center with a valid identity card (voter ID, Aadhar card, bank passbook with photo, etc.). After this, he can sit for the exam.
When will the entry be done?
The Bihar Board 12th exam will be conducted in two shifts, in which the first shift will start at 9.30 am and the second shift will start at 2 pm. All the students who will appear in this exam should reach the center 1 hour before the start of the exam because the entry will start at 8.30 am. At the same time, entry for the second shift will start at 1 pm. The main gate will be closed half an hour before the start of the exam. After this, students will not get entry inside the examination center.
What will be the dress code?
The Bihar Board had recently issued a guideline, which said that from February 1 to February 5, students can come wearing shoes and socks in the 12th board examination. This guideline has been issued keeping in mind the cold.
What cannot be taken to the exam?
Students will not be allowed to carry electronic items like smart watch, mobile, earphones, Bluetooth and calculator in the examination hall. Apart from this, students cannot carry study material in the exam.
15 minutes extra time will be given
Candidates will be given 15 minutes extra time to read and understand the question paper, answer sheet and OMR sheet. Students can take advantage of this and answer the questions by understanding them correctly. This will help them score more in the exam.
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